Davide Bianchi
Davide Bianchi is ESR in AC²T. Study of new mathematical approaches and feature oriented roughness parameters, wavelet approach for regression analysis and surface topography analysis for main features extrapolation via non standard models. Wavelet theories for surface and signal analysis, piece-wise function. Studies focused on the effects of bi-orthogonal function for perfect surface reconstruction, new parameter extraction and fractal surface analysis.
- Pubblications
Multiresolution Analysis of Rough Engineering / Tribological Surfaces
D. Bianchi, A. Vernes, G. Vorlaufer, G. Betz - It will be presented at the World Tribology Congress in Kyoto (Japan) - 6th - 11th of September 2009 Download the abstract submitted - Link to the conference website - WTC
D. Bianchi, A. Vernes, G. Vorlaufer, G. Betz - It will be presented at the World Tribology Congress in Kyoto (Japan) - 6th - 11th of September 2009 Download the abstract submitted - Link to the conference website - WTC
Detection of NM-Scale Scratsches on High Gloss Metal Sheets by a Light Scattering Method
- J. Böhm, D. Bianchi, M. Jech, R. Brodmann, M. Vellekoop - Proceedings of the STLE/ASME - International Joint Tribology Conference IJTC2008 (December 2008) link
- Contacts
- email: bianchi {at} ac2t.at
- tel: +43 /(0)2622 81600-65